Host an event!

The Lord Mayor of Dublin with the support of AsIAm are on a journey to become Dublin the first autism-friendly capital city in the world.  At least 1 in 27 people in Dublin are autistic and nearly 300,000 people have an immediate family member on the autism spectrum.

To further promote Autism Awareness, we are inviting  organisation to participate in this initiative by hosting an accessible experience for the Autistic Community on Saturday, May 25th.

Hosting an Autism-Friendly Experience Day provides a unique opportunity for your organisation to demonstrate its commitment to diversity and inclusion. By opening your doors to Autistic people, you can help create a more welcoming and supportive environment for everyone in our community.

Participating in this initiative, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn about autism and gain insights into the experiences of Autistic people in Dublin City
  • Receive support and resources on how to create a more inclusive environment for employees and customers with autism.
  • Collaborate with the Lord Mayor of Dublin mission become Dublin the first autism-friendly capital city in the world
  • Showcase your business as a leader in promoting diversity and inclusion.

How to host an Autism Friendly Event?

To ensure the success of the events, AsIAm have created an informative video on how to host an autism-friendly event. 

Requirements for event hosts

  • All events must be FREE of charge
  • Attendees will have to register in advance using a registration form, which can be facilitated through platforms like Eventbrite or by RSVPing via email.
  • Provide a Visual Guide: Visual Guide Template here 
  • Making the event accessible to all, in line with the capabilities of the venue and staff.
  • If possible provide a Quite Space. Quite Space guide here 
  • You must ensure that you have adequate insurance in place
  • Events can be any length in time, i.e. 20 minutes to one day

For any event related queries please contact

How to register your event

If you are hosting an event, we would love to include it on our listing page.

The process is very simple

  1. Make sure you have all the information necessary to include your event, for instance:
    • Event Title
    • Event Description 
    • Venue name and address
    • Date and Time
    • Event poster / artwork
    • Organisation details 
  2. Click on Register My Event
  3. Fill out the Event submission form. Again Make sure you include ALL the information required. It is not possible to edit after you have submitted your event.
  4. Click Preview then Submit Listing.
  5. Once you submit the event this will be reviewed by the team. Your event will be made public once we are satisfied there are no queiries.
  6. Enjoy Dublinclusion Discovery Day!