Dublin City Council provides support to local resident community, environmental and festival groups
Dublin City Council today opened up the application process online for their Local Area Community Grant Scheme. The scheme, which offers support through a once off- grant, is open to a range of local resident community, environmental and festival groups throughout the city.
The support will have a particular emphasis placed upon community development and social inclusion actions or initiatives to promote and enhance community activity, active citizenship to bring benefits to local communities within Dublin City
Lord Mayor of Dublin, Allison Gilliland, stated, “I am proud to support the Local Area Community Grants Scheme that aid a wide range of local initiatives in Dublin City. These grants are a great help and benefit to local groups enabling them to organise activities at a local level.”
She continued, “As citizens of Dublin, we have numerous fantastic local community groups to be involved in. These groups cater to every interest and offer something to everyone. Through these Dublin City Council grants we can continue to build and enrich our city by promoting community activity.”
Geraldine Plunkett, Age Friendly Ambassador for Dublin City stated, “The community grant is a wonderful scheme and anything that is age friendly is youth friendly, in fact everyone friendly. Close community is so important. A quote I love is ‘We live in each other’s shadow and in each other’s shelter.’”
Dublin City Council’s key priorities for Community Grants are an action or initiative that will bring a benefit under the following:
- Community Development
- Social Inclusion
- Integration and Intercultural
- Adult Education
- Local area issues
Dublin City Council has identified the following key themes that brings benefits to local communities;
- Recreation
- Play
- Educational
- Environmental
- Festival and event
- Children and young people
- Older persons
- People living with a disability
- People at risk of Social / Economic Exclusion
- Health and Wellbeing
The maximum value of the Local Area Community Grants is up to €1,500 while the value of the Adult Education Grant is between €200 and €800. The purpose if the grants are to support local groups and informal learning. Both grants cover a broad range of activities and topics.
In order to provide a more user friendly and efficient process an online portal for the local area grants scheme has been developed to allow for an online application process. This portal will be open for one month from 22nd June and will close on the 22nd of July 2022.
Further information and the application form can be found at: